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Paul R.M. Howell was born in Romford, Essex in England in 1949.  He spent  6 years of his early childhood in Malaysia returning to England  at the age of 9.    As a young man, his interest in art was a passion, but for most of his working life Paul owned  his own fine art and antiques business in Connecticut, New York City, and Barnwell Castle, near Peterborough, England.   Never far from a paint brush himself, Paul has always enjoyed painting, primarily in an impressionist style, as a way of relaxation  .  In 2002, after nine years back in the old country, he moved back to the USA with his wife and daughter. Now living in Connecticut,  his creative juices continue to flow as he has created a series of Rock Artist inspired by his enjoyment of music.   These paintings have been made into limited edition prints and are available through this website.  Also available are original oil paintings. Recently Paul has been inspired by the reflections of boats in water. A new series of this series of paintings has been uploaded and are available through the ETSY shop or through my WIX shop. Both links are here.
Thank you to all who visited my booth "Howell Artist" at the Milford Oyster Festival on August 19, 2017.
 Paul, being also talented with the written word, can add the title 'author' to his repetoire after recently writing and publishing the novel, "Caveat Emptor- Buyer Beware," a murder mystery sprinkled with crimes of arson, and art theft. As retirement grows nearer, Paul looks forward to having more time to paint and to write his second book.


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